Dr. HAFSI, Oussama

HAFSI, Oussama

LABScore : 385.142
LABScore depuis 2021 : 221.079

Membre de : Commande et Diagnostic des Systèmes Energétiques Hybrides

Informations personnelles

Genre: M
Prénom: Oussama
Prénom en arabe: أسامة
Nom en arabe: حفصي
Dérnier diplôme: Master
Année d'obtention du dernier diplôme: 2015
Dérnier grade: MCB
Année d'obtention du dernier grade: 2015
Statut: P. Et.
Domaine principal: Energie
Date de début d'affiliation: 2015-11-30
Structure de rattachement: U. Béchar
Inscrit depuis: 2015-11-30
A l’Univ.: Tahri Mohamed -Bechar-Algeria
Nom & Prénom du ou des encadreurs: ABDELKHALEK, Othmane
Nom et prénom du co-encadreur (1): MEKHILEF Saad
Université de rattachement du Co-encadreur (1): U. Malaya - Malaisie
Courriel: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Courriel professionnel: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Identifiant WOS: G-6631-2018
Identifiant SCOPUS: 57211871198
Identifiant ORCID: 0000-0002-6149-4468
The present power system is established on the principle of alternating power that provides supply to the AC powered machine, but with the ongoing revolution in electronics industry, many smart devices are coming in the list of domestic goods, which are powered by DC. To provide DC, AC supply should be rectified and regulated. This process incurs much loses. Instead of this rectification process, a separate independent DC micro-grid can be designed for buildings or colonies to which the DC loads can be connected. In such networks Renewable Energy Supplies are foreseen to have rather high penetration mainly photovoltaic and small scale Wind Turbines. In this work, we will study and simulate this DC microgrid, which can be independently powered by renewable power generation methods that can directly generate DC power.
DC supply, Micro-grid, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Rectification losses, DC-DC Conversion

Production scientifique

    Publications dans des revues

    Publication dans la catégorie A

  • 349, HAFSI, O., ABDELKHALEK, O., Mekhilef, S., SOUMEUR, M. A., Amine, M., HARTANI, M. A. et al. (2022). Integration of hydrogen technology and energy management comparison for DC-Microgrid including renewable energies and energy storage system. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments , 52.
  • 282, HAFSI, O., ABDELKHALEK, O., Mekhilef, S., SOUMEUR, M. A., HARTANI, M. A. & CHAKAR, A. (2022). Integration of hydrogen technology and energy management comparison for DC-Microgrid including renewable energies and energy storage system. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments , 52, 102-121.
  • 353, TOUMI, T., Abdelkader, B., ABDELKHALEK, O., Ahmed, A., BENHAMMOU, A. & HAFSI, O. (2021). Dynamic voltage restorer using sliding mode controller: Experimental studies. International Journal of Applied (2252-8792), 10, 337-346.
  • 268, Benhammou, A., TEDJINI, H., Guettaf, ., SOUMEUR, M. A., HARTANI, M. A., HAFSI, O. et al. (2021). Exploitation of vehicle's kinetic energy in power management of tow -wheel drive electric vehicles based on ANFIS DTC-SVM comparative study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (0360-3199)/(0360-3199), 46, 27758-27769.
  • Publication dans la catégorie B

  • 355, CHAKAR, A., ABDELKHALEK, O., GASBAOUI, B., SOUMEUR, M. A., HAFSI, O. & HARTANI, M. A. (2021). Power management strategy based sugeno fuzzy logic rules in an electric wheelchair. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (2088-8694), 12, 1187.
  • 283, TOUMI, T., BENABDELKADER, A., ABDELKHALEK, O., Ahmed, A., BENHAMMOU, A. & HAFSI, O. (2021). Dynamic voltage restorer using sliding mode controller: Experimental studies. International Journal of Applied , 10, 337-346.
  • 245, HAFSI, O., ABDELKHALEK, O., HARTANI, M. A., CHAKAR, A. & SOUMEUR, M. A. (2020). Proposed energy management for a decentralized DC-microgrid based PV-WT-HESS for an isolated community. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) (2088-8694)/(2722-256X), 11, 2073-2082.
  • 231, BENABDELKADER, A., ABDELKHALEK, O., HAFSI, O., SOUMEUR, M. A. & CHAKAR, A. (2020). Simulation and experimental validation of single-phase series active power filter using PI and backstepping nonlinear controllers. International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE) (2252-8792), 8, 78~88.
  • 285, HAFSI, O., ABDELKHALEK, O., CHAKAR, A. & HARTANI, M. A. (2019). Wind turbine generator based on PMSG connected to DC microgrid system. International Journal of Control, Energy and Electrical Engineering , 7, 40-43.
  • 233, HARTANI, M. A., Mesaoud, H., ABDELKHALEK, O. & HAFSI, O. (2019). Management of MPPT Technics and Energy Storage on Renewable Hybrid Power Systems.. Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA) , 67.
  • 232, SOUMEUR, M. A., GASBAOUI, B., ABDELKHALEK, O., HARTANI, M. A. & HAFSI, O. (2019). Energy Management for a Hybrid Fuel cell/SC for Four-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle.. Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA) , 63.
  • 70, HARTANI, M. A., Hamouda, M., ABDELKHALEK, O. & HAFSI, O. (2019). Influence of MPPT technics and energy storage management on renewable hybrid power systems,. Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA) (1582-5175), 67, 22-36.
  • Publication dans la catégorie (à l’international) E

  • 357, HARTANI, M. A., Messaoud, H., ABDELKHALEK, O., Saad, M., BENABDELKADER, A. & HAFSI, O. (2021). Energy Management Strategy of an Isolated DC-Microgrid Adopting Photovoltaic and Hybrid Energy Storage System, Assessment of Solar Condition Impact. Advances in Communication Technology, Computing and Engineering , , 875-887.

Rayonnement, visibilité et attractivité académique

    Communications aux conférences scientifiques

    Communication à une Conférence internationale avec acte

  • Comparative study in energy management of hybrid electric vehicle based on ANFIS DTC SVM controller, SEAM'21-ouargla, . 2021, , BENHAMMOU, A., TEDJINI, H., SOUMEUR, M. A., Yacine, ., Younes, . & HAFSI, O. , .  
  • Two level control of dc microgrid including renewable energies and storage system, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials IC-SEAM’21 April 21-22, 2021, Ouargla, ALGERIA, . 2021, , HAFSI, O. , .  
  • State Machine Control of DC Microgrid based on PV/Wind/FC/Battery, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, COMPUTING AND ENGINEERING (ICACTCE 2021), March 24-26, 2021, MAROCCO, . 2021, , HAFSI, O. , .  
  • Modeling and Control a DC-Microgrid Based on PV and HESS Hybrid Energy Storage System, First International Conference on Smart Grids, CIREI’2019 , 28-29 Avril 2019,ENPO Oran -MA-ALGERIA, . 2019, , HAFSI, O. , .  
  • Communication à une Conférence nationale avec actes

  • Integration of renewable energies in dc-microgrid system, conférence nationale sur les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique "CNEREE’2021", Adrar-Algeria, 13/02/2021, . 2021, , HAFSI, O. , .  
  • Séminaires périodiques (officiels)/Journées d’étude

  • Wind turbine generator based on PMSG connected to DC microgrid system, 6éme Conférence internationale des energies renovlable (CIER-2018), Hammamet-tunisie 18/12-22/12, . 2018, http://ipco-co.com/CEEE_Journal/Vol%207/CIER-135.pdf, HAFSI, O. , .  
  • Wind turbine generator based on PMSG connected to DC microgrid system, 6éme Conférence internationale des energies renovlable (CIER-2018), Hammamet-tunisie 18/12-22/12, . 2018, http://ipco-co.com/CEEE_Journal/Vol%207/CIER-135.pdf, HAFSI, O. , .  
  • Projet

    Projets de Recherche Spécifique: Recherche Formation (projet de thèse, …)

  • (A01L07UN080120180007) 2018, 2022, http://www.prfu-mesrs.dz, PRFUEtude et Réalisation d’un Prototype « DC microgrid » (Destiné aux Zones Isolées – Agriculture Saharienne), , , http://www.prfu-mesrs.dz, ABDELKHALEK, O., HAFSI, O., HARTANI, M. A. & BEDIAR, S.  
  • Président ou membre du CS et/ou du CO d’une conférence ou d’un workshop

    Exceptionnel: Congrès Mondial

  • , www.archeditech.org/ic-aires2021, OC, M, The Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems (IC-AIRES2019), , . 2019, www.archeditech.org/ic-aires2021, HAFSI, O..  
  • Mémoires ou thèses dirigés et / ou soutenus

    Thèse de Doctorat / DESM (concerne le candidat membre de l’équipe et le directeur de thèse)

  • , (22), Impact of the Integration of Renewable Energy Systems on DC-Microgrid, , . 2022, , HAFSI, O. & ABDELKHALEK, O., , .